Looking to add an Aged Olive Tree to your Landscape?
Look no further…let Olive Trees Direct handle your installation with superior customer service and unbeatable pricing.
our simple process

Prepare a hole
exactly where you want your tree.
(7' x 7' x 2')

Select your tree from orchards through photos, Face-time, or in person.

Choose an install day, and we will deliver and install your tree using the required gradall.
a lifetime of beauty
With big, aged trees to enjoy for the rest of your life, vs. spending the rest of your life waiting for them to grow.









**Click on picture to see full image
Olive Trees Direct
has the lowest pricing in the industry on trees up to 135 years old.
Delivered & Installed
*Price for 2+ trees - add $500 for a single tree
Freight charge outside Northern California

about olive trees
Once an olive tree has reached an advanced age it is valuable for its beauty, drought-resistance, Mediterranean atmosphere, and historic resonance.
Other key features and benefits our customers admire about these mature olive trees are:
Provides shade
Conversation Piece
Drought Tolerant
1,000 year lifespan
Year-round foliage
Thrives in the California sun
Resistant to decay
Tasty olives or healthful oil
Leaves for medicinal teas
Symbol of PEACE
Photo background
Night and holiday lighting
Makes statement for property
Contact Us
Committed to Excellence!
Olive Trees Direct operates on a simple philosophy - deliver quality trees while putting the customer first. We've provided clients with a wide range of olive trees for all their needs. Our trees stay well-maintained and in the ground until you pick them out. Whatever you have in mind, we will work with you to bring your dreams to life. Contact us to receive a free consultation.
Directly from our orchards to your landscape!
Operating in Northern California